Autism Relief and Support
For parents of children on the autism spectrum:
Have you spent too much time, money and effort trying different supplements and drugs,
only to realize that these options helped only a little or even made things worse?
Take control of your child’s health and get generalized detoxification, pain reduction and overall health
improvements with autism-specific professional formulas.
Our Autism Relief & Support (non-individualized) Program
Set Cost: $450 for 2 month supply of 7 different exclusively formulated homeopathic products plus a 2 month supply of exclusive practitioner strength HCH probiotics, FREE SHIPPING and we include a FREE 10 minute consultation with one of our autism specialist homeeopaths with your first purchase!
Autism can be incredibly complex and working with your child’s autism can feel lonely. We can help.
Houston Homeopathy Autism Relief & Support program is designed to put you in control of your family’s health and give you the support you need for your child with autism, PDD-NOS, Asperger’s, and related autism spectrum disorders without breaking the bank. We’ve received 100% positive responses from our original Autism Relief + Support Program. Now we’ve improved on it by taking the best of the best 7 homeopathic formulas and adding 2 autism-approved probiotics plus we include a 10 minute follow-up consultation with every package you purchase.
You need non-toxic answers from someone with experience and understanding of both the many biomedical problems of autism, and complex homeopathy to address them.
Homeopathy Center of Houston’s homeopaths offer both, and out of our individualized Houston Homeopathy Method for autism has come a very affordable daily cleansing and healing program, Autism Relief & Support Program for healing autism. There are no side effects, and the healing effects may be subtle and ongoing, or occasionally dramatic and life-changing. A few nonverbal children became verbal as a redult of a few months of using this program!
Homeopathy can – and should – be a great part of your child’s healing process.

The only Homeopathic Autism Relief & Support Program from Autism Professionals:
Our combined experience with homeopathy and healing autism is a result of 20 years of case conferences, diligent research, and study with the biomedical experts of Defeat Autism Now® as well as our pooled knowledge base and experience with autism as individual and group practitioners. We offer 20+ years of autism experience, with 400 full recoveries from autism through the Houston Homeopathy Method of Sequential Homeopathy. That offers a combined practice experience with homeopathy and autism of nearly 80 years.
Should you ever need extra consultations, help with a minor illness or injury, or decide to change to a more in-depth approach, you’re already a client of Homeopathy Center of Houston. No more time-consuming intake process. A simple call can set up an appointment immediately (charged at our normal consultation fees).
In this program, you will be provided with 7 “tried and true” professional homeopathic products plus 2 professional-strength probiotics, all developed and vetted for autism’s needs with our expertise and autism experience, and available nowhere else. These are specifically focused on many of the generally-encountered physiological/behvioral issues of autism spectrum disorders. Then, with our basic guidance and oversight, you work with the remedies with your child.
Homeopathy is healing unlike any other modality.
Homeopathic remedies are formulated from virtually any substance that can be obtained – plant, animal, mineral, as well as from pathogens and chemicals such as environmental toxins. These are formulated into highly diluted forms that can act as signal messengers in the body to find toxins and pathogens, helping it to naturally eliminate them, for maximum, but very gentle detoxification. Remedies have been chosen to gently “remind” and support the body through detoxification and healing.
Because homeopathic remedies are highly dilute, they are non-toxic, and very gentle on the delicate system, helping the body balance itself, rather than chemically bullying pathogens into deeper and more virulent forms. They don’t mask symptoms – they gradually nudge the body to heal itself over time. All without side effects.
The Safety and Gentleness of Homeopathy.
The safety of homeopathic remedies is well-documented. In over 210 years, there has never been a serious injury, permanent damage, nor a single death attributed to homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy remedies are safe, and our Autism Relief and Support program is designed to be extra gentle for sensitive, highly toxic clients.
Two autism-vetted, professional strength probiotics.
The inclusion of a two month supply of our autism-focused and approved probiotics helps rebalance the gut flora, which in turn enhances the work of the homeopathic remedies by supporting overall gut and immune system health. We have included our own custom brand of the highest quality, professional strength available.
We have found that many children with ASDs have sensitivities that result in negative behaviors with certain probiotic species. Because these are commonly found in both over-the-counter and even many professional-formula probiotics, we have included our own custom probiotics which avoid this problem.
This program is an easy, supervised way to add homeopathy to other interventions.
Homeopathy can safely be added to most other interventions without interfering with their benefits. In fact, some clients who have chosen other detoxification methods and added homeopathy have seen a spike in the efficacy of the detoxification protocols.
With our Autism Relief and Support Program, you have access to our veteran practitioners to get you started without having to figure it all out alone. Our easy system introduces a proven, program of remedies we’ve chosen based upon our experience with hundreds of children, adolescents and adults with autism.
Experience gentle detoxification.
Homeopathy can gently support the body’s natural detoxification pathways. Our center has taken the concept a step further with proprietary professional products formulated specifically for the problems found in autism – blocked, sluggish, and disrupted organs, systems and elimination pathways. The autism package includes support for opening the digestive and elimination pathways, while gently rebuilding organ health.
Improved Digestive Health.
Proven digestive health remedies are included. Hundreds of clients have benefited from these formulas in our sequential homeopathy practice in the past, and now, for the first time they are more widely available as part of Homeopathy DIY+™!
This program is an easy, minimally-supervised way to add homeopathy to other interventions.
Homeopathy can safely be added to most other interventions without interfering with their benefits. In fact, some clients who have chosen other detoxification methods and added homeopathy have seen a spike in the efficacy of the detoxification protocols.
The Houston Homeopathy Autism Relief and Support Program:
- Contributes to your child’s generalized detoxification, pain reduction and overall health improvements with professional formulas, unavailable except from professional practitioners
- Offers you the professional support you need so you’re not trying to figure it all out on your own
- Allows a professionally-guided, yet affordable, “trial run” of homeopathy for autism
- Allows you to manage how little or how much professional support you need
- Can be added to and may enhance other autism interventions
- Can be used as an initial detoxification and tonifying preparation for starting the Houston Homeopathy Method
- Gives you access to autism-focused formulas not available online or in stores, and available only under our professional supervision
What’s included in the Autism Relief & Support Program‡
- Detox & Organ Support drops (~2 mos. Supply*)
- 2 Digestion Support drops (~2 mos. Supply*)
- Immune Support drops (~2 mos. Supply*)
- Fungal dysbiosis drops (~2 mos. Supply*)
- Emotional Support drops (~2mos. Supply*)
- Cellular Support (~2 mos. Supply*)
- 1 month supply each of two different PROBIOTIC SUPPLEMENTS**(total of 2 mos. Supply)
- One 10 minute starter or check-in consultation with your first order (additional consultations may be scheduled by appointment, at our regular consultation fee schedule)
- Shipping and handling for delivery directly to your door (USA ONLY)***
***SHIPPING COSTS WILL BE ADDITIONAL for shipment outside USA. Please see our international agreement for payment and associated shipping, customs and wire transfer fees which will be extra over the quoted program cost.
Your Investment
$475* for a two month supply – that’s an average cost of only $238/month – Less than $8.00/day for an all-inclusive program of made-for-autism professional formulas and probiotics, including professional oversight and shipping and handling to your door, for every package you purchase. We know your child is worth this investment to help improve his/her quality of life – and that of the whole family.
(*Price effective as of Nov. 7, 2022. Subject to change without notice.)
Additional Consultations
Need a little extra guidance between shipments? Is your child exhibiting changes and you need clarification? Seeing a new symptom or behavior? You may call and schedule an optional additional consultation at any time for more assistance. These consultations are available by appointment during regular office hours, at our normal consultation fee charges ($165 for a 30 minute consultation).
‡To maintain the healing integrity of the program, and its affordability, we cannot refill individual remedies. The Autism Program product package is sold ONLY as a complete grouping, each lasting approximately 2 months.*
*The amount of time a product may last is an approximation. Many factors may affect each bottle’s actual time-frame before refills are ordered. Your child may need more or less than the average amount recommended, care in counting drops, spillage, etc. may cause some variance.
**These products are PROBIOTIC SUPPLEMENTS, NOT homeopathic remedies.
What happens after you enroll
NOTE: We cannot ship remedies until we have received your initial intake paperwork in our office.
We do not sell remedies to the general public, only to our clients. And the first step is for us to get full intake paperwork, which can be filled out and submitted online. You will receive a link to it after making your purchase, as well as in your confirmation email. If you do not receive the link, or it does not work, please contact our office at 713-366-8700 immediately and we will help you find it, or find an alternative access for you.
Your included consultation will last 10 minutes, and will cover the basic information you need to confidently start your child’s remedies. And with each additional package you will receive another 10 minute “check-in” with your homeopath, by appointment.
General, uncomplicated questions can usually be answered over the phone by our staff, regarding billing, shipping, etc. But if you feel you need additional help or answers regarding health concerns specific to your child, we will accommodate you with an appointment with one of our professionals. These will be scheduled by appointment. These consultations are typically scheduled as 30 minutes long and will be charged at our regular fees only if you decide you need more help.
Expectations of the Autism Relief and Support Program
Each person is an individual, and responses will vary. There are of course, both reasonable expectations and limitations to any form of healthcare. Following are some general guidelines, based upon our experience.
We are confident that every child can gain real health benefits through detoxification, immune support and, in some cases, even pain relief through the program.
The results of the Autism Relief and Support Program will typically be subtle, gradual improvements which may not immediately noticeable. But the cleansing will continue from the inside out as you continue in the program, allowing the child to gently and continually detoxify. Still some children may demonstrate behavioral, detox or pain-relief responses very quickly.
Homeopathic healing typically takes time. As a gentle, natural harnessing of the body’s own systems, the results may be cumulative, but subtle from day to day.
We suggest you do some form of progress measurement such as the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist, or ATEC before you start any new program, and repeat it every 4-6 months or so, so that over time you can review your child’s behaviors with a more objective viewpoint of where s/he started vs. where s/he is progressing.
Of course, as with any form of healthcare, every child’s results will be different, and no specific outcomes can be promised, nor guaranteed.
But you can sleep at night knowing that with the safety of homeopathy, you will be “first, doing no harm,” and that any symptoms that might arise are typically going to be signs of detoxification, which will subside over time.
If they cause any concern, call our office for an appointment and we will be happy to help with your questions and concerns. We are here to help.
Our aim with the Autism Relief and Support program is to gradually and generally improve your child’s overall health, and as a secondary benefit, these improvements can increase their (and your) quality of life, and in many cases, improve some autism-related behaviors.
If your child has additional, or more complex health issues, we would be happy to speak with you about whether the Autism Relief & Support Program, or our Houston Homeopathy Method of Sequential Homeopathy might be more appropriate.
Homeopathy does not interfere, nor interact with drugs, supplements, or other protocols. However, to reap the greatest benefits from homeopathy, be aware that some drugs, herbal medicine and essential oils used at the same time as homeopathy, may cause the homeopathy to be, or appear to be less effective due to the side and directly negating effects of these other therapies.
Drugs and herbal medicines often act suppressively, or against symptoms (anti-pathic), whereas homeopathy encourages the body to express toxins and heal illness once and for all through some of those very same symptoms. This can place different methods at cross-purposes, and due to its gentleness, homeopathy can be be overpowered or negated. Make sure that you include a list of any current drugs, herbals or oils that you are using in your intake form so that your homeopath can advise you what to reasonably expect from homeopathy during the course of drug treatment.
Parents need to be aware that the Autism Relief and Support program should not be expected to yield the same results as the Houston Homeopathy Method™ of sequential homeopathy. The Houston Homeopathy Method™ sequential homeopathy program is much more highly individualized, specifically healing and cleansing at the causational and contributing factors at the roots of the problems, and is a much deeper, more thorough and intensive program of detoxification and more permanent health improvement.
We are NOT, nor do we represent ourselves as Medical Doctors, nor do we provide promise nor imply any medical advice on the treatment, prevention, diagnosis or cure of any disease.
This program is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment by appropriate medical doctors. If your child ever suffers any injury or life-threatening, serious symptoms, CALL 9-1-1. We are not an urgent care center, nor do we handle emergency medicine. Common sense, and our scope of practice dictates that you should seek a doctor’s care for emergent, or life-threatening problems.
This program is not appropriate to replace conventional medicine for serious or emergency health problems. Homeopathic remedies are meant only as supportive, cleansing measures, and not for emergency or serious illness or injury care. Our practitioners cannot and do not provide such care. Please call your doctor for such care.
Any statements or implied claims have not been evaluated by the FDA.
If your child is on any pharmaceuticals, DO NOT STOP OR CHANGE DOSES WITHOUT CONSULTING YOUR PRESCRIBING DOCTOR. WE CAN NOT AND DO NOT offer any diagnosis, prescribe drugs, nor advise on prescription drugs in any way.
How do I get started?
We will charge your credit card when we ship your remedies.
Your homeopath will review your information, and at the appointment, will advise you briefly on what you might see from the program, as well as explaining how to get started as soon as you receive your remedies.
Are there other packages available?
What is included in the first package?
Your first package price includes a 10 minute consultation with one of our homeopaths, an approximately 2 month supply* of the initial group of 7 different bottles of professional homeopathic formulas, as well as a month’s supply of each of 2 different professional strength probiotics, and shipping and handling for delivery to your door!
What if I feel I need more appointments, such as if my child is ill?
Once your child enters our system, they are a client like any other at Homeopathy Center. While each Autism Relief and Support Package includes an additional 10 minute consultation, You can call and arrange additional consultations at any time (at additional cost, by appointment only) with a little extra online intake information required.
We can help you with rashes, mild fevers, flu, colds and other minor illnesses as well. Just call for an appointment when you need it.
Consultations will be by appointment on normal appointment days of Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday, on an as-requested basis, and charged at our normal follow-up fees, depending on need.
NOTE: Our typical follow-up consultations are 30 minutes long. Consultation fees and additional remedies, if needed, will be billed at the time of consultation. For consultations, your credit card information will be taken over the phone by our staff when you call to schedule an appointment, and charged after the consultation for the consultation fee, any remedies needed and shipping fees for that time only.
You keep talking about the Houston Homeopathy Method™ and sequential homeopathy. Where can I get more information on that program?
We have extensive information on the Houston Homeopathy Method for chronic disease as well as for autism on our primary website:
Will I get the same results from the Autism Relief and Support program as I would from the Houston Homeopathy Method™ of sequential homeopathy?
Autism Relief and Support Program is not an individualized program, and does not include the sequential homeopathy’s “unlayering” process to address causative factors, and does not include the high potencies of remedies specific to your child’s toxic layers. The program is not represented to be a stand-alone or permanent form of healing for autism. But it provides palliative support for pain reduction, and support of detoxification pathways – just as the same remedies are used as integrated into the Houston Homeopathy Method, but without individualized, deeper-acting clearings for toxins, pathogens or other contributing factors.
However, you may still achieve visible improvements in some children in a fairly short period, but most children will have subtle, ongoing improvements while taking these remedies. For this reason we recommend that you complete an ATEC before you start the remedies, for your own information, and keep the scores and dates on record so that you will have a more objective measurement over time of these subtle changes.
If I decide to switch to sequential homeopathy right away, am I wasting the remedies I’ve already purchased?
* Due to slight variations in drop size, accidental spillage, etc., we can only approximate that each bottle will last about 2 months. Your care, compliance and accuracy, as well as variations in dosing requirements for your child will affect exactly how long each bottle will last.
From one of our parents: “Here are some of the things we noticed with our son on the DIY program since he started: Talking more, no nosebleeds, regular BMs, less smelly BMs, happier… for our daughter, the dark circles under her eyes have gone away, her BMs are more regular and less smelly, her breath doesn’t smell any more, her mood is more even keeled, her complexion is clearer – less or very little acne. Overall, I’ve seen progress in both. I’ll just keep plugging at it, inch by inch. Thank you!”
“I would like to order [my next] DIY Autism Kit for S. She has made progress so far:
- Clearer skin
- Better breath
- More frequent and healthier bowel movements
- Better disposition
- Not angry anymore
I am pleased with her progress!”
And from another mom: “OH MY GOSH! They’re both talking! Please tell the world that homeopathy works. We haven’t done sequential homeopathy, but before we finished our first order of the Relief & Support Program both of my kids are speaking, so I’m reordering a second set! Thanks so much for giving them words!”