Julie Adams is a Sequential Homeopath, having practiced for the past several years in private practice before joining the Homeopathy Center of Houston in early 2005. She has both a general and autism spectrum disorder emphasis in her practice of homeopathy.
She has contributed a great deal of research and insight to the ongoing improvement of HCH’s unique homeopathic approach to autism. Julie is also a certified Neurostructural Integration Technique practitioner.
Julie received her Bachelor Arts in Behavioral Psychology from University of Texas at El Paso. She then studied Tellington Touch under Linda Tellington Jones and Robyn Hood and completed three years of alternative animal therapies training and certification as assistant director for Animal Institute of Massage and Holistic Care.
Julie expanded her training in healing modalities for humans and animals to include myofascial, cranial-sacral, accupressure, and stress point release.
In September of 2000 she began the foundational course in NST with Gene Dobkin and completed her clinical cases by the spring of the following year. At that time, she enrolled in the advanced NST course sponsored by Dr. Joe Mercola in Chicago and taught by Michael Nixson-Livy.
She received her practitioner’s certification in May of 2001. In August of 2002, she completed a further advanced course in Bowen Bridge with Gene Dobkin former USA instructor for Bowen and NST. She also organized and sponsored classes at Bennie Jean Kuehnle’s Animal Institute in the Woodlands, TX featuring internationally certified Bowen instructor Carrol Bennet.
In addition to her NST practice, Julie completed the advanced course in Sequential Homeopathy (DSH-P) in May of 2004 from Houston School of Homeopathy.
Conference Speaker:
Workshops and Trainings:
- Oct 2005 Defeat Autism Now!® Conference Long Beach, CA
- Oct 2006 Defeat Autism Now!® Conference Seattle WA
- Nov 2006 Paracelsus Biological Medicine Network Training Boston MA
- Feb 2007 Paracelsus Biological Medicine Network Training Santa Fe NM
- Jun 2007 Lyme in Autism Conference Irvine, CA
- Oct 2007 Defeat Autism Now!® Conference Garden Grove, CA
- September, 2008, San Francisco, CA, German Biological Medicine Training
- October, 2008 Defeat Autism Now!®, San Diego CA
- October, 2008, San Diego, CA – Advanced Practitioner Training
- October, 2009, Defeat Autism Now!® Conference, Fort Worth, TX
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Call us at 713-366-8700. Office hours are Tues-Fri 9am-4pm Central. Leave a message and we will always get back to you!