Sequential Homeopathy for Autism
Sequential Homeopathy for Autism
Have you been told…
there is no hope?
that you need to accept and learn to live with your child’s diagnosis of autism?
There’s something no one is telling you: autism is reversible.
Are you the parent or caregiver of a child with autism who has spent too much time, money and effort trying different supplements and drugs, only to realize that these options helped only a little or even made things worse?
Do you want to see your child make significant improvements or even fully recover from autism?
When we apply Sequential Homeopathy to autism, we start with the client’s current status – behaviorally, physiologically, and emotionally. Pain relief and safety are always our first concern. If a child is hurting himself or others, is unsafe because he is a “runner,” or can’t function because of life-impacting obsessions or compulsions, such as “stimming” behaviors, spinning in circles nonstop, or refusing to cross the threshold from one room to the next, we work to settle that down as quickly as possible.

The homeopathic detoxification process works with the body’s mechanisms to free itself of the toxin or pathogen that’s causing the autism symptoms through elimination. This efficiently and quickly brings about a healing effect. There are no side-effects or chemical effects with homeopathy.
Children can and do get better from autism.
Our combined experience with homeopathy and autism is a result of 20 years of case conferences, diligent research, and study with the biomedical experts of Defeat Autism Now® as well as our pooled knowledge base and experience with homeopathy & autism as individual and group practitioners (totaling nearly 80 years!). We’ve seen over 400 full recoveries from autism through our program exclusively from Homeopathy Center of Houston, and have helped thousands more drastically improve their health, speech, and behavior. We want your child to be next. We work with parents and children all over the country, so there’s no need to come to our office in Houston.
There is MORE than hope for your child with autism.
There is real, safe, and effective healing for autism. Call us today to learn if the Houston Homeopathy Method of Sequential Homeopathy is right for your child: 713-366-8700
Not ready to take the leap into the sequential program? Try our affordable, gut health focused Autism Relief and Support program here.