A proprietary approach developed by the Homeopathy Center of Houston
A proprietary approach developed by the Homeopathy Center of Houston
At Homeopathy Center of Houston we believe in the natural healing process inherently designed into every being. We also know that in our toxic, stressful world, sometimes those divinely inspired healing processes can become compromised. At that point, the body needs help, some gentle nudging back toward health.
Homeopathy has always been embraced as a gentle, natural, side-effect-free approach to health and healing. In the 21st century it can step up to the tasks of stress-relief, detoxification, as well as meeting dis-ease on its own terms, allowing the body to heal itself, rather than trying to chemically manipulate individual organs and systems in ways unnatural to it.

Sequential Homeopathy
Sequential Homeopathy is based on the natural laws of healing as observed for millennia:
- The body heals from top to bottom
- The body heals from innermost to outermost
- The body heals from most vital to least vital organs
- The body heals in reverse chronological order to the onset of illness
Sequential Homeopathy has been practiced in various forms for the past 50 years by practitioners of homeopathy around the world, beginning with Jean Elmiger, M.D. Always indebted to Dr. Elmiger, we adapted his work to autism and autism spectrum disorders for the past 20 years.
In the area of Autism Spectrum Disorders, and detoxification from chemicals and drugs, we have developed a completely unique method that combines the many approaches using homeopathic remedies to detoxify the tissues, normalize the disrupted and dysfunctional processes and support the body’s ability to recover. These were in fact the same principals and methods that we have always applied to virtually all dis-ease processes.
Sequential Homeopathy
- Detoxifies the body
- Releases toxic repressed emotions
- Removes traumas of emotional, physical, medical or chemical exposure in reverse sequential order
- Is deeply healing
- Can reverse much of the damage by the chemical, physical and emotional traumas of life
- Works in reverse sequence to the events that have occurred in a person’s life to heal each layer as it arises
- Makes sense to the body, mind and soul, because it uses the divinely-designed mechanisms for healing, instead of working against them to slap temporary “bandages” on symptoms
- Seeks to heal the causation of illness or injury, not just temporarily relieve the symptoms
The Houston Homeopathy Method includes the integration of many different types of homeopathic approaches, using the best of all. Integrating these many methods as an overlay to the sequential unlayering process allows for the fastest, most efficient detoxification and healing process possible. By using many types of remedies in many ways we can support body detoxification functions and organs, allowing for a much smoother healing and recovery than without these basic supports.
For instance, if one is unable to efficiently detoxify it most often is because the organs of elimination are already “stopped up” with toxins. Homeopathic organ drainage remedies may aid the congested organs and systems to gradually work more efficiently, detoxify themselves, and then provide a clear pathway for the elimination of the backup of other toxins.
Our homeopaths devise a plan for each client by uniquely combine many widely practiced homeopathic approaches including:
- Sequential homeopathy (the framework for chronological healing)
- Classical homeopathy (the basis of all homeopathy)
- Homotoxicology (to help reverse deterioration from toxicity)
- Gemmotherapy (a plant-based approach to drainage)
- Oligotherapy (enhances cell metabolism through nutrient absorption)
- Enderlein’s Pleomorphic Remedies German Biological Remedies Cellular Re-Programming Therapy (CRPT)
- Spagyric homeopathic remediesEach of these approaches has been evaluated for its merit in different circumstances, building on the strengths of each approach, then uniquely applied to each client’s situation by our homeopaths.
What makes the Houston Homeopathy Method unique from any other is not just the remedies, it’s the way our highly trained specialists in the Houston Homeopathy Method have been trained to approach each case. Each person is genetically, emotionally, physiologically and histologically unique, and each person is therefore going to have unique responses to pathogens, toxins and stressors. Because sequential homeopathy is unique to that person’s history and unique response to stressors, every person’s process with us is unique.
Some of our remedy combinations are proprietary, or even fully customized to the person’s needs at each consultation. It is not just our remedies that make the difference in our results. It is our well considered customization method to find just the right supports, clearing of toxins at the right time and in the right way that gives us a superior, consistent response and recovery results, practice-wide. Unlike any other homeopathic practice in the world, our unique method combines all of the many options under the umbrella of homeopathically produced remedies in order to overcome blockages to detoxification, healing and recovery.