Wellness Care for Healthy Families

Wellness does not just happen. We live in a world full of assaults to everyone’s health. From food additives, environmental toxins, and constant bombardment by electromagnetic and radio waves, to be truly well we must be pro-active for our families and...

Why We Support Health Freedom

Why We Support Health Freedom 01/23/2013 Without our health, there is no freedom. And without health freedom we are bound to the status quo, conventional medicine with its invasive techniques, side effects and emphasis on treating a named disease rather than analyzing...

Joint Pain? Relief is Here!

Without joints, we’d be stickmen. But with arthritis, injuries or even just the wear and tear from constant use, it’s easy to start feeling like a stickman. Joint problems can hurt. And it’s more than just the pain. You’re less mobile. It’s harder to do the things...
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